ONE LICENSE offers streamlined copyright solutions for your worship services.
Select the music you want to use in your service from thousands of available songs.
Search and report the music you use via our intuitive website.
Rest easy knowing you are copyright compliant while also supporting the creative work of your favorite composers and writers.
Unlimited permission to reprint approved texts and/or tunes for congregational use for an entire year. License can be bundled with Podcast / Streaming permissions allowing you to include song lyrics and melody lines in your online worship services.
Learn More about This LicensePodcast or live-stream your worship services as well as archive those services for the duration of the license. Available as a Limited option or bundled with Reprint permissions, allowing you to include song lyrics and melody lines in your online worship services.
Learn More about This LicenseOur Practice-Track License allows music ministers to create practice MP3s (or CDs) for their musicians, specifically for rehearsal purposes.
Copy commercial CDs or MP3s purchased from a Member Publisher or other copyright holder on our service;
Record your own versions of covered songs (referred to as self-made / non-commercial) for your ensemble, like a specific vocal part, for example, or an accompaniment track;
Email MP3s or burn CDs;
Provide a link to a Dropbox or Google Drive file that can only be accessed by the intended musicians.
ONE LICENSE is trusted by more than 25,000 active license holders to help cover music copyright permissions online and in person.
With ONE LICENSE, search and report your music use for hundreds of thousands of songs!
Join Today!“For a long time, I innocently copied music, but then I married a church musician who was horrified that I was depriving composers of well-earned recognition and royalties. The staff is friendly, helpful, and the cost is so affordable. It feels genuinely good to use the music appropriately, and I am amazed at the selection and ease of use. Thank you!”
Dr. Janet Irvine
Episcopal Music Leader
Homewood, IL
“One License allows our community to reprint any covered song to enhance our special liturgies like Christmas, Easter, weddings, and other celebrations of life—and easily gives us the opportunity to compensate songwriters while we focus on the music.”
Frank Gibes
Music Minister
St. Thomas More Catholic Student Parish
Kalamazoo, MI
“We use a worship aid every week in our parish and having access to One License streamlines the whole experience. We are able to find titles quickly, and reporting is just as simple! I would happily recommend One License to my colleagues.”
Tamaron Conseur
Director of Music Ministry
St. James Parish
Arlington Heights, IL
No matter how you worship, ONE LICENSE makes it easy to obtain the reprint and online permissions you need for your assembly.
Whether you are reprinting melody and/or text for your congregation or sharing your worship services online, or streaming or podcasting your service, ONE LICENSE offers the permissions you need.
Search our database of thousands of covered songs and report your music usage in just seconds.
Support the network of composers, authors, and publishers who serve the Church.
Find out how ONE LICENSE works for your worship.
Copyright © 2025 One License, LLC. All rights reserved. US